
We are delighted to announce that the second webinar on Population Balance Modeling will be held on November 25th 2024 12:00 PM (UTC+00:00), online.

The webinar aims to give, in particular to early career researchers (PhD/recently-graduated PhD students and Postdocs), the possibility to discuss their latest progress and results.

We welcome contributions that address the formulation, the numerical strategies, the experimental validation and/or the coupling of population balance models with smaller or larger scale techniques. We particularly welcome contributions discussing applications of population balance models to emerging problems from the environmental, biological, pharmaceutical and chemical processing fields.

The webinar will last for one full day, with one morning session and one afternoon session (CET time). Talks will be scheduled according to the speakers’ time zone. Due to the limited duration of the webinar, part of the submitted contributions will be delivered by the presenters as e-poster presentation.

Extended abstract (max 2 pages) can be submitted until September 15th 2024 using the the MS Word template made available on the conference website.  Abstracts will be reviewed by a selected scientific committee.

List of topics:

  • Formulation of population balance models
  • Numerical strategies for solving population balances
  • Experimental validation/calibration of population balances
  • Coupling of population balances with small/large scale computational techniques
  • Applications of population balance models to emerging problems from the environmental, biological, pharmaceutical and chemical processing fields
  • Integration of Artificial Intellingence to Population Balance Models 

Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory for both speakers and attendees. The link to the webinar will be sent only to registered participants few days before the webinar. Registration is already open (Please contact to proceed with the registration)

Scientific committee

Ana Cameirao (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne)
Andreas Bück (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Antonello Barresi (Politecnico di Torino)
Antonio Buffo (Politecnico di Torino)
Ashish Kumar (Ghent University)
Ashwin Kumar Rajagopalan (University of Manchester)
Christine Frances (INP - ENSIACET Toulouse)
Daniele Marchisio (Politecnico di Torino)
Dimitrios Meimaroglou (University of Lorraine)
Doraiswami (Ramki) Ramkrishna (Purdue University)
Elena Simone (Politecnico di Torino)
Giuseppina Montante (Università di Bologna)
Gurmeet Kaur (Technical University of Munich)
Heiko Brisen (Technical University of Munich)
Joseph Yong Kuen Ho (Monash University Malaysia)
Marco Mazzotti (ETH)
Marco Vanni (Politecnico di Torino)
Matthias Kind (Karlsruher Institute for Technology)
Menwer Attarakih (University of Jordan)
Nicodemo Di Pasquale (Università di Bologna)
Nida Sheibat-Othman (University of Lyon)
Noureddine Lebaz (University of Lyon)
Paulo Laranjeira da Cunha Lage (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Pisano Roberto (Politecnico di Torino)
Rodney O. Fox (Iowa State University)
Szilágyi Botond (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Ville Alopaeus (Aalto University)
Zheng-Hong Luo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Zoltan K. Nagy (Purdue University)


The organizing committee:

Antonello Raponi (Purdue University)
Lorena Pasero (Politecnico di Torino)
Andressa Mazur (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Frank Rhein (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Álmos Orosz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)Logo_24

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